4. novembril toimus maalilises Yunnanis väga oodatud äärmuslik katsetegevus. Media from all over the country drove the Forthing S7 to gallop across the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, challenging extreme roads and comprehensively testing the quality of the Forthing S7. With its outstanding power performance, precise control system, super-long battery life, and comfortable driving and riding space, the Forthing S7 easily coped with various complex road conditions, passed the extreme trial perfectly, and won unanimous praise from the media present.
See ekstreemne prooviversioon sisaldab staatilisi hinnanguid ja dünaamilisi testsõite, mille eesmärk on näidata Forthing S7 silmapaistvat jõudlust ja ainulaadset võlu nii ümberringi kui ka mitme nurga alt. Staatilised hinnangud kajastavad igakülgselt Forthing S7 ülimat ja ainulaadset disaini välimuse, sisekujunduse, ruumi, intelligentsete interaktsioonisüsteemide jms osas. Meediaprofessionaalid sõidavad Forthing S7-ga Lijiangis läbi erinevate iseloomulike ja erineva stiiliga maaliliste paikade. The routes they pass cover urban main traffic arteries, sections with heavy traffic flows, natural scenery sections, etc., which can simulate traffic conditions in scenarios such as daily travel, commuting, and leisure travel, and test the comprehensive driving and riding performance of the Forthing S7 in the face of various road conditions.
Meediaprofessionaalid sõitsid Forthing S7-ga läbi Yunnani kuulsate maaliliste paikade, külastades maalilist Yuhu küla, Lining Roadi käänulist ja käänulist kaheksateistkümnest kurvi ning salapärast Dongba orgu. Esimese puhta elektrilise sedaanina Dongfeng Forthing new - energy seerias vastab Forthing S7 oma elegantse välisdisaini ja ülima välimusega kasutajate kõrgetele stiili- ja välimusnõuetele. The beautiful scenery of Yunnan has become a stage for the Forthing S7 to display its unique charm. With its smooth and elegant body curves, the Forthing S7 shuttling through has become a beautiful scenery line, presenting an aesthetic feast among the magnificent scenery. The media guests praised that the Forthing S7 is not only a sedan with outstanding performance, but also a flowing work of art.
Veebisait: https://www.forthingmotor.com/
Email:admin@dflzm-forthing.com; dflqali@dflzm.com
Telefon: +8618177244813;+15277162004
Aadress: 286, Pingshan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi, Hiina
Postitusaeg: 14.11.2024